Lower your expectation

08.32 Henny Melvina 4 Comments

Lower your expectation

We as human are normal to have expectation whether it’s in our work, study or relationship. When we are working on project we expect it to runs smoothly with minimum risk of what so ever. Carefully calculated  everything to minimize the risk. Sometime our expectation are quite high to accomplish. When result turn bad or not as what we expect, we got dissapointed. Feels that all is waste of time. While thinking and evaluating the problems I have, I’m considering of  lowering my expectation. Stop dreaming and start to face reality. Life is not as pretty as we imagine. Learning it all through tears and despair, through rain and blister. And i aren’t able to breath and see it clearly .
--What God had planned and so it will be..what is meant to be, it shall happen. 

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4 komentar:

  1. Pesawat ada karena ada impian seseorang untuk bisa terbang -

    kapal selam datang karena ada impian seseorang ingin menyelam di dalam lautan -

    ilmu kedokteran datang karena mimpi satu orang untuk menolong orang

    dan Tujuan datang karena ada sebuah harapan

    do best your way, your want, your need it because you know who you are better somebody out there

    :D \(^-^)/ - i have a bad mood yesterday it because i know what you think and feel about our live :D

    be smile and happy tingkerbel

  2. http://ekoeriyanah.wordpress.com/2012/10/04/the-liebster-award/

    dapat award kalau berkenang silahkan di kerjakan yah hahahaha

    1. banyakkkk benerrrr pertanyaannya...bisa 3 hari 3 malam gak selesai -_-" *nyusahin

  3. You never know what you will find at the end of the road, is it true?
    In the end if it doesn't work out as we dreamt, at least we try.

    I don't know peter pan, sometimes I felt hope is too far *pessimistic side of me.

    Neverstop hoping and pray for good things.

    Smile and be happy, throw your bad mood away since I can feel it :)
